Rossé Audrey was born near Aboncourt bouzonville. Between sixteen and eighteen years she lived at home crossroads Kinepolis Metz and works in St Julien. She leaves home and moves Thionville, she worked at Leclerc Maizières-les-Metz and paddy discount, a seller of fruits and vegetables from the city center that has since closed. It is used to free service and is especially replacements.
Audrey and Fred Ross met in 1997. Frederick was born in Colmar and works as a temp. Difficult for them to rent an apartment. Rents are too expensive. A landlord will even require that Frederick worked in Luxembourg for agreeing to rent: 750 € per month two months rent in advance and a month deposit. The only solution is the hotel office and Audrey and Fred go through ten years of misery until last April. After a winter without hot water or heating, Audrey exceeded, managed to get the social worker's Ase temporary accommodation in one apartment Army located hello to the partridge, the building to be demolished next year.
Frederic and Audrey have been married since 2006 and had two children, Solène who is eight years and Kylie who has five. Solenne known to redéménager will sooner or later and has trouble accepting it. Already regrets his school downtown where she left her friends Since it has changed, it is the first in his class and without force. A coast of roses, she goes to school as a joke. Killian, prefers the coast in town because his mother has found out later he was terrorized by a comrade. Now he wants to go alone in kindergarten. Audrey is happy: they love school.
marriage were two reasons: to please the mother of Frederick, with whom he had to reconnect after a long separation and Solene reassurance that always asked why her mother had another name. A great marriage of seventy guests made possible through an arrangement with the caterer that he had recommended her sister pay each month in advance of the ceremony a buffet. No question of going into a restaurant, too expensive and then they found a room for two days Chémery-les-deux with a large football next to children.
Currently Audrey works one hour each day in a laundromat and Frederick Yutz in a Thyssen-Krupp plant in Florange for inter-board, a new box acting. Before he worked in the same place but for Manpower and had the basket and more .... With thirty five hours and two euros a day trip, Frederick is just over a thousand dollars. It is four times eight. The pace rest is always changing and holidays it's hard to recover nights with children at home.
He goes to the factory bike because it is difficult to make the journey with a colleague, the teams change all the time. When he returned Audrey is taking the bike to Yutz. She has a bike but the elevator often breaks down, they leave the heaviest down rather than risk the back foot on the ninth floor. Recently, Frederick became ill and household income is fell to 500 €. They well the Rsa but it is calculated on the last three months. Audrey had received a voucher of 50 € JCSA but mostly it trying to cope on its own because it has been several times to see the social worker and she was never entitled to but either: it will no longer apply. Why make an appointment to have nothing? Sometimes it's hard to understand how it works, everyone said "with two children, you have priority", but asylum seekers have been relocated abroad before them. When they asked social workers to the only response was, "we must not be racist." When they were still at the hotel and they reported the danger of electrical outlets unsealed for children: "You do not complain, you have a roof." As a solution this spring, they had offered him a home for a home for herself and children. But this time Audrey had reached a point where nothing would have chosen. We must win.
Here, children play safely at the bottom of the building since it came down to restore order, they are accustomed to the neighborhood. But nothing really holds Rossé here. Sooner or later they will get there: they have struggled so far, not now they will give up. The children are there, you have to fight for them.
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