Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What's The Best Way To Huff

Anne and Patrick Poirier Clemence van

By Anne and Patrick Poirier : landscapes of landscapes and gardens in ruins, our journey is a series of wanderings . This long journey without a map in the land of Memory and Oblivion has started more than 30 years and still continues. Trip during which we discover, in stages, the "Genius Loci", the Genius of places visited. Each charge of its own memory releasing its own vibration, inspires particular jobs. The world becomes for us an immense spaces communicating through secret doors. The last stage of his wanderings is in Regional Park Tournay-Solvay. Visitors will discover, during his walk, the cabin archaeologist. He lost in the maze- brain, look at the scenery through the large part of temp s. Using three telescopes spread around the park, he will scan, tiny and distant, the forgotten landscapes of the country wanderings.

Travel rhizomic by Jean-Pierre van Tieghem : One day Anne and Patrick Poirier went to the oracle at Trophonius Lebadea. Near the oracle were two sources: that of Forgetfulness, Lethe, and that of Memory, Mnemosyne. They are watered especially in the second.
The journey from their memory goes back to World War II around the rubble and destruction. Later, they discover other ruins and offer spectators to make fiction and fantasy read hieroglyphics. They are researchers trace, inventors of the remains. Gardens are abandoned, cities invaded by forests, sculpture collapsed. The scars of civilizations are everywhere but have nothing to do with archaeological census. It is a labyrinth where the tracks cross yesterday and today, here and elsewhere. Time ossuary is a stone, wood, fingerprints, or kept in a hut in a room. No evidence indicates no origins. They are towers of silence and solitude covered with flowers and leaves.
Myths meet, talk and interact with this in a consistent poetic and utopian. Often, Anne and Patrick Poirier participate in conversations and put them in their images. They offer Archaeologies of memory, archives of the architect, field notes, writings on the move. The mind becomes the sensible signs in a plurality of readings. The drawings and photos are open to the senses and stories.
arches began to oscillate, the sidewalls are cracking, columns and pillars fall and break in a strange allegorical disorder. We must drill slowly secret, because all that remains are the stones that are a world alone in their maze from their solid core and dumb to the countless cracks open to the imagination. The deciphering
are exciting. Anne and Patrick Poirier are surveyors who reveals the inaccuracy of a poem unknown. The abyss of emotion than any certainty. It simply is. Aristotle would say, in entelechy.

to learn more about Marie and Pierre Poirier: click the link below
Audiovisual Encyclopedia of Contemporary Art


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