Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lighter Fluid Handwarmers

Trees ...

By Simon du Chastel: The first tree that covered part Earth is our ever present, faithful. To us to follow.

It is not design more widespread than the living cosmos symbolized by a tree: the oldest art, myths, legends of the most diverse peoples evidenced in profusion, as they have for millennia.

The tree is both vertical, growth in the sky, the earth's axis toward Polaris, the perpetual regeneration, place of passage from life to death that produces a new life. It spreads by seed. In cosmology, we celebrate the three cosmic zones: the roots, underground, pushing down and eat a wide variety of substances from the earth, the trunk is the vertical area, such as that of man, monkey righted the branches is an expansion to the sun, sky, clouds engorged with water that it captures. This thought, which the base is the vital circulation between three poles, is the foundation of the Christian Trinity and the dialectic of Hegel.

The tree is also full of birds that are central to our relationship earth-sky, insects and animals, the serpent, symbol of fertility and healing, and that since time immemorial. Therefore, when talking about the tree, the images used are those of the tree of life, science of good and evil, also known as family tree, tree of Diana, Saturn, Jesse, Christmas and more recently, the tree of liberty. The tree is also nourishing, fruit, and exotic countries, it is breadfruit tree, milk, incense, wax ...

The verticality of the trunk of the tree was used to build shelters and became our first column in the marquee representative of plants in Egypt who built temples in places like rituals such as the hill, the mound, the cave; water is often at its source, stones confined space and, of course, the tree of life was present. The tree creates the forest and wherever moisture reign implanted forests. In the past, these forests had an uncontrolled expansion, were formed of timber and underbrush who preserved and made them impenetrable, as is now the rainforest.

In imaging, the forest plays a dual role in all civilizations: it appears first as a place of meditation, introduction to the hermits and monks, a place of refuge and mystery stories, which creates and legends which has in mind the Little Red Riding Hood, Merlin the Magician, Tom Thumb and other characters from books such as that of Perrault, but the forest is also seen as a den full of threats because it is easily lost and once, they could fall into the hands of robbers, thieves large paths, eager to plunder and ransoms.
Nowadays, if the robbers were gone, the power of regeneration of men through the forest remains intact: it is all said that the forest areas around regress. The forest continues to play an essential role: it marks the seasons, the area of reunion and healing, for through the rhythms and cycles of the forest, man finds peace, harmony and learns to name things well.

Historically, the forest has captured the imagination of artist who uses her as "raw-wood" as his mind.


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