Monday, January 3, 2011

Cm Discharge 5 Days Before Period Due

Kheira Zaqqum, passing on Earth


Kheira Zaqqum arrived in France in 1963 with her first child. Her husband was a soldier of the French army. Zaqqum in Arabic, is the bitter fruit of the tree that takes root in the furnace.

Kheira remembers a dark country and a barrack life. The family often move in the region but it is Halstroff, Sierk not far from the bathroom, install it permanently twenty five years and that Ms. Zaqqum give life to his other children.

They are eight now living, four girls and four boys, the oldest is forty eight years younger and thirty eight. One child per year. Ms. Zaqqum was thirty six when she had the last. His daughters, who had the chance to go to school, have each had two children: what is six grandchildren. Women today know it is expensive to raise children. They need to eat, dress their studies and pay the permit.

Thirteen years ago, Mr. Zaqqum died accidentally Konacki where the family lives. That is no longer live where he died that Madame Zaqqum decides to move closer to a daughter who lives on the coast of roses. She now sixty thirteen and lives alone in a F6 Racine Street in Thionville.

Batigère, the social landlord came to propose to leave this apartment is now too big for her. They want to build two studios instead of F6. Ms. Zaqqum not cons because the rent is quite high. It is Madame Berbache caring for her record of resettlement and has already proposed a housing rue Molière. But kheira Zaqqum disagrees. She does not understand why there is all the Arab families in the same building.

She is proud to be Arabic but she wants to avoid problems that often arise around children between families and would rather live a bit away. Children today are more difficult to achieve, they are more brazen. Arabs are already unpopular, young people have their faults, the company has its own, but we mix people and does not house them all at the same place. Kheira wants to stay at the Coast because that is where live most of his daughters and in addition she has no car. And it was she who pays the rent, she chooses.

Racine Street

Kheira participated in the taste of year-end linen shop on the coast of roses that will the last floor of Oceania

Fichier:16dec.jpg Fichier:16de.jpg Fichier:16d.jpg

Ms. Zaqqum was not at school but that did not stop working. A Bouzonville she rode the brakes in an auto parts plant. But in 1992, at age fifty-five years she decided to take literacy classes and recreational center of the coast of roses for two years. Someone who can not write and read can hardly speak, ask. And learn it out of his cage. She may well win the ESC and TUC and works in Athens the home emergency shelter for women. For Kheira Zaqqum, we're just passengers on land. Smahi, her maiden name is that it keeps the memory of his father.

Republican Lorraine August 18, 2010
Republican Lorraine August 18, 2010

Fichier:zkko.jpg article published on wikithionville


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