Monday, February 28, 2011

Repairing Faux Laather Couchrip

Françoise Lambolez, friendship against the passage of time

Françoise Lambolez rue Molière lived on the coast of roses. She lost her husband three years ago. When she wakes up in the morning, she hurries to get up when she realizes he's gone. She can not sit there Gamberg: it must not be daunted.

Françoise hails from the region of Remiremont. It is the decline of the textile industry that made him leave the Vosges settling in Lorraine in the years fifty. She changed more often work because the mills were closing one after the other. In the Vosges, it was paid for by the meter rolls of fabric or weight for the coils of wire. We earned a little more to Sollac. Her husband was so party first.

Françoise had joined two years later at St Nicolas in the forest when he had an apartment in the "metal" these buildings coated steel sheet with hints of aluminum in the sun. Frances was happy: a new home with bathroom! The village of St Nicolas was built from scratch on top of a forest by Sollac. It also appeared on any map such that in 1958, a pilot in distress had jumped Florange on a parachute and left his plane spinning toward what he thought was a forest. His plane crashed in the central square of St Nicolas killing two children of school age. a fokker100 like that crashed into the St Rita

The children grew and the family moved to live near Thionville to college because Françoise insisted that his three son returning home for dinner from noon.

The Lambolez therefore reach the coast of roses in the seventies. Building entrances and approaches were rather dirty but the atmosphere was good neighborhood with all these kids.

"We still have a good laugh! "Said his son when they think of their youth to the coast.

Two of them now work for Peugeot and Citroen, the third as he wanted very small already, became a policeman.

Mr. Lambolez was the same village as his wife. She did not know him well because he had a few years older than her and if she was four years old at the beginning of the war, he had already sixteen.

She still remembers the arrival of Germans in front of his grandmother, a soldier took him on his knees and gave him chocolate. They had asked for coffee at the grandmother, but she had the first drink, so they can see that he was not poisoned.

Her husband could not escape the STO labor service in Germany. To force their hand, the authorities had threatened to take their young if they hid father. The STO was hard: twelve hours not days with two quarts of soup as a meal. Mr. Lanbolez had returned home on foot with two friends from Germany with as any provision a bag of sugar for the road. After the war he had undertaken and in 1946 he was in Indochina. That's why they do not attend. Yet they were already linked in some way because her future husband, which is not banal, had been brought by the parents of his own mother like this happened at a time when children were placed to relieve the family. After his three years in the army Mr. Lambolez had returned to the village also work in the textile and that is how, at twenty two years Frances had married.

In the late sixties, life was different , everyone still had no car, Mr. Lambolez itself was over fifty when he obtained a driver's license and bought a R12.

For entertainment, people stayed in the area: there were the fair, music municipal market.

Today there is often not a cat in the street is the death of the little horse!

Lambolez Madame and her two sisters each had three boys!


rest his sister, also a widow, who lives impasse of the past twenty years and woodcock eats for lunch with her and then her neighbor Madame Scherrer who lives in the building as long as she. With Ms. Grasiewicz, a former neighbor, they formed a trio good but Madame Grasiewicz chose to leave the area when she lost her husband three years ago. That her husband had refused all these years, she did. She now has eighty years and is installed somewhere away from all to achieve this dream: to live in the sea Françoise Lambolez admire a bit but never chosen solitude.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Queen Collection Concealer

Aisha Sekkoum, live and work


Sekkoum Aisha was born June 16, 1949 in Chlef, between Oran and Algiers. At nineteen years with her first two children, she joined her husband who worked as a railroad worker in France since the age of twenty five years.

Mr. Sekkoum died a year ago and two months now. He suffered kidney and head. Aisha Sekkoum worked in interim since 2002. The retirement of her husband was only 400 €. Work was a necessity. How to pay for gas and electricity when the rent is already at 300 €! Yet Aishah had to stop working in 2006 when her husband's condition worsened: she could not go to work and leave him alone, back in the evening between ten and eleven o'clock and found wandering here and there in the neighborhood .

below, Mr. Sekkoum with a colleague in 1994 on the line 8-5
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Mr. Sekkoum had retired from the SNCF in the years seventies and the family had left for Bouzonville Thionville and bring school children. After four years in an apartment above the restaurant where her daughter worked, Aisha gets a housing woodcock three years alone.

Aisha when he arrived in France
Aisha and her daughters Bouzonville

And then life has become complicated because of violent people and living conditions. On one side are those who throw garbage out the window, on the other, the elevator does not work ... One day her husband was ill and on dialysis, could not ride home in the twelfth floor. Portuguese is a neighbor who was on his back to the apartment. Eleven years

woodcock. He had to move but had nothing to offer Moselle. Therefore turned to Madame Sekkoum Batigère. Paola Morelli completed the record and a tour of the apartment Fénelon Square a week later. Since Aisha lives there, the neighbors are quiet, it's quieter.

Aisha went back to work acting in Luxembourg, she is diving. Acting box calls in the evening on the phone to tell him where it should go the next day. Aisha take the bus to the station if it is early morning, the train and the bus once again arrived in Luxembourg. If this is the afternoon she takes the bus directly. Her hours vary according to the mission, four hours, or day, it depends. When asked if she can stay to work overtime she said yes, why stay at home ?

Aisha and her son
Aisha and her sister at the wedding of his niece

People are kind and is the machine that washes the biggest. After you need to empty the dishwasher and store it where it counts. Aisha works for company restaurants, banks, but in school canteens that control is most severe. Inspectors come like that, and everything must be perfect, small spoon in the cup. The hardest thing is to get back the gratin dishes with their traces of burning, it must rub and then move on to the machine with a mixture of soap and white vinegar: the dishes stand out all shiny. Aisha Sekkoum had three girls and three boys, two of them are not married yet. She has ten grandchildren. Aisha does not like him to come speak ill of her son, she shook them still live and at home, now is the time! She said the children "you go to school, you get out of school and you're coming straight home. What are all these kids outside? "

The youngest boy is twenty three years and still lives with her: he had his BTS in June. He sought a trade school, waiting for the response of three schools including one in Lyon but the studies cost € 4000. This year he is at university in Metz.

Aisha has no reason to stay all the time at home. Work allows him to leave her house, to know people and the city. Talking with people to cheer him up.

Chlef market fifteen years ago

article published on wikithionville

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brazillian Wax Urinary Tract Infection

Sylvia Kleiner year Cha '


Sylvia Kleiner street fox lives and what she has seen change in the Côte des Roses is how his landlord ordered the attic of the building: nothing in the letter announced that work was no indication that Once the insulation made, attics are no longer accessible. Since then, the paintings and drawings by Sylvie crowded around his apartment. His paintings, Sylvia Cha sign for the Charlotte, his middle name and that is how his friends call him. Children, draw, she did not know what else to do while her sister preferred to kick a ball with friends. Behind the bakery Terville family, the garden opened onto the heap of the plant. At the peak of the heap, the trucks came to pour their contents into the dark red. All those people returning, all these sounds of metal, all gave the little envy daughter to visit the plant.


At sixteen, through a waiver, Sylvie integrates fine arts with his application form, in gouache of immortal though she was wise for the folders of his comrades. The essay contest entry had to be there to learn about children's art? But Sylvie needs freedom. She had fled the school in Providence to enjoy its exemption, and she had dreamed the fine arts as a hive where all would share their experience: she quit school after a year, disappointed. After some troubles in Holland Sylvie returned home: she took his autonomy from his parents and decides to train in childcare.

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In 1978 she worked at Bel-Air, the CFDT activist and runs a newsletter, "The Piquouse. Regional management has decided to unify the schedules between Metz and Thionville. But in Thionville time meal is included in working time and the staff do not want to lose this advantage. Sylvie take his place in the struggle: on-slow Highway, parade in town to demonstrate. Sylvie Thionville in 1982 left for Paris with his daughter Melanie then aged five years to follow courses in college in Vincennes, famous for being open to employees. She won a scholarship to train as responsible for visual com. Sylvia specializes in children's publishing. It will not validate his mastery and anyway the position is not created in Thionville.

Sylvie decides to stay in Paris, work for the crèches in the city and meeting Naka, an African musician from whom she has a boy now aged twenty two years, Theo. After ten years in Paris, Sylvie leaves his apartment and went to the Ardeche. But barely a month after his arrival, the project that brought him to the water falls, the crib has no client and Sylvie, cut off from Paris, improvises. Life becomes increasingly difficult. In 1996, Melanie disappears at the age of eighteen years.

Sylvie seeking a position in the south of France. But his father will bring it back into the region without his knowledge he provides his resume, and sends a nice letter to Martine Aubry, then Minister for Employment and Solidarity. When Sylvie learned in 1999 that a position is waiting at the hospital in Thionville, it can only accept. So his son will finally be closer to her grandparents.

Learning to live and work in the hospital. Sylvie finds some of his colleagues twenty years ago. She is an adjunct childcare and working since last year, twelve nights of ten and a half hours over four weeks. Sylvie likes the night because you can be more available for children. It may take time to talk quietly. It does not necessarily need to stay permanently at their bedside, but his presence reassures and when they are faced with anxiety attacks, feeling his presence reassured him and sometimes avoids giving them a drug. She goes and when she returned, the child calmed down and asleep.

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Today Sylvie has two jobs because she is also scheduled at the home of artists: she continues to paint [1] . Sylvie is passionate about Maori culture. Tiny it was already following the adventures of Captain Troy on his boat the Tiki in a soap opera was going to Hawaii and was called "Adventures in Paradise."


Sylvie inspired stylized representations of animals that take place in a large Polynesian art. The turtle represents fidelity and fertility, the dolphin, longevity and happiness, the shark, the balance of the lagoon justice and respect for ancestors.

In 2005, a friend saw his works on the wall and accused him of having come into the world with a real talent and do nothing with it. The municipal library in 2006 to prompt exhibit in the hall vitro [2] . In 2007, during his leave, she went around this country with a traveling workshop in a small truck of ten cubic meters, parties Polynesian Maori gatherings. Sylvie drawings are highly prized by fans who get tattoos tattoo patterns she creates for them. And in 2010, Sylvie shows his paintings Poulmaire Hall, St Anne's Road. This year, she shows her latest work Vitro room for the second time, from June 14 to 18

last December, Sylvie Kleiner welcomed the public in Vitro room for the exhibition of works children organized by the association "The Magic Pediatrics" [3]

next action of Pediatrics Magic: [4] a garage sale in April at Auchan [5]

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article published on wikithionville

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can You Buy Everyday Minerals In A Store

' say that mime is in the air does not exempt the land on Earth '
E. Decroux

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kittens Bloated Stomach

Robert Nicolay, think free


Robert was born in 1944, just at the end of the Second World War. Nursing Beauregard his father had been conscripted into the Wehrmacht. He came to his classes in Germany and just before leaving on the Russian front he had deserted. His wife was summoned to the gendarmerie and Feld-she managed to convince them that he had gone with her suitcase and she had not seen. The town where he had to report had been bombed and the thesis of his death made sense. In fact, with two other classmates, his father was hiding in the village Adelange of his father, sometimes in the tower sometimes elsewhere. They were fed by the village. When the Americans liberated the region, Adelange came under bombardment and that rabbit in a cage down in the cellar that Robert had taken refuge.

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At the time there were three nurses at Beauregard and Robert's father was an official residence. Robert and his two sisters were "children's hospital" to play around in the middle of the ambulances that arrived: Robert dreamed doctor. At ten he entered the minor seminary Cuvry, he has an uncle priest and was perhaps chosen to be the church family. But Robert does not support the pullout in the family and his parents, a school or factory.

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chooses Robert Plant and fourteen years he became a young worker Lorraine Escaut. At seventeen he is founder and he sometimes works 56 hours per week. Robert will never get used to the three / eight: seven days to work in the morning and then seven days in the afternoon and night seven days. Home, work, home, work. In winter you can not see the day: start before sunrise we returned it was already dark. The old man say "bar up there."

Robert Rina met his future wife. Difficult to obtain public housing when you are not married: he finds a studio floor Oceania and twenty three years, Robert married. His stepfather works in Sollac and he heard about a job that becomes available. A twenty five Sollac Robert joined to become a bridge operator is a little less physical. He remained there until his retirement. Robert will experience the decline of the steel industry in the region of Thionville mills spend from three to one and the workers from 1700 to 500.

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Robert militates CFDT since he was eighteen years and he will take part in all major protest movements of the seventies. What a job! Delegate work, strikes, demonstrations to be organized. Robert is not often at home and when he has time, he takes the kids hiking in the surrounding neighborhood. Robert took his books and taught them the names of the trees on the road. Even today, some of these children will remember with pleasure these parts of the countryside Cross Epich at Fort Guentrange with sandwich from the bag. Over time, Robert moves away from militancy, he is tired of the rivalry between unions and we need to leave room for younger workers.

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The family moved to each birth and the dead crow lives since 1974. Say that when they arrived at the coast of roses, there were no roads that everything was muddy! We went for milk at the farm Schweitzer, where Norma is a supermarket today. Work smelter has left its traces. Robert, who suffers from emphysema early knew he had lump in the asbestos all those who worked in the hot summers were exposed to asbestos. This is the scandal of the century in 1906 because we knew the dangers of this metal used for protection from heat when even the ironing boards were covered in beautiful ... the girl's father Robert, a neighbor who was only sixty twelve years, they are all gone because of asbestos. Five months ago, Robert has had a scan of the lungs and the doctor found pleural plaques.


Robert still participates in the CLCV, one of the largest consumer groups in France that deals, among other problems related to the relocation of the Coast Anru roses. It is also true to freethinking and welcomes every year on the anniversary of the death of Louis XVI as the birth of the secular republic.

article in wikithionville